Some Fast Facts About Metal Roofing

Roofing, Siding, Window, Door And Gutter Services From Montgomery To Anne Arundel Counties

Metal can be used in just about any kind of roofing, except those with flat pitches. Today’s metal roof is available in various styles, colors and textures.

Some Fast Facts About Metal Roofing

In today’s post, your trusted roofers at Winfield Builders share some things you need to know about metal roofing.

Metal Roofs Aren’t Noisier Than Asphalt

There is a misconception that metal roofs create more noise when it rains or hails. Metal roofs are no noisier than any roofing material when properly installed. They are usually installed over a solid substrate and the attic insulation should provide a sound barrier.

Metal Roofs Aren’t Lightning Magnets

The Metal Construction Association says metal roofing doesn’t increase the risk of a lightning strike. If anything, it can keep you safer during a lightning event because it’s less likely to burn or combust compared to wood shingles. There is no scientific evidence to prove that metal roofs attract lightning.

Metal Roofs Are More Cost-Effective

Most metal roofing are backed with superior warranties and they can last for at least 50 years when well taken care of. It’s rare that a homeowner replaces their metal roof in during their time in the house. At Winfield Builders, we install high-quality standing seam metal roofing. We only use the best products from leading manufacturers so you can rest assured you’ll have a roofing that lasts. Our team also specializes in replacing gutters, doors and siding.

Metal Roofs Resist Fire, Rot, and Insect Damage

One of the main reasons for the increased demand for metal roofing is its superior resistance to fire. Metal roofs don’t rot and insects don’t feed on them. Snow also melts and slides quicker on them because they retain solar heat.

Metal Roofs Are Energy-Efficient

According to studies, metal roofs reflect solar radiant heat, which can reduce energy costs by 10 to 25 percent. A metal roof with granular coating can be beneficial to areas where cooling costs are more expensive than heating costs.

You can rely on Winfield Builders for expert metal roof installation. We also install Energy Star qualified windows in various styles, colors, hardware and insulation packages. Call us at (301) 850-6560 or complete our online form for a free estimate. We serve homeowners in Annapolis and Columbia, MD.

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