What part of your house is most affected by the weather? The obvious answer is your roof. So, how then do you preserve and maintain your roof? Cleaning is the most essential part of roof maintenance.
Roofing company Winfield Builders gives you a list of some common roof cleaning mistakes to avoid in this post.
Being Too Harsh on Your Roof
One of the more common mistakes is over-cleaning, or doing the job aggressively, whether by scrubbing too hard or using a power washer set at the maximum level. This can result in premature roof deterioration and even failure.
Thinking There’s a One-Size-Fits-All Cleaning Technique
Another common mistake people make is applying just one method to all roofing issues. There is no one specific do-it-all treatment.
The mistake is taking shortcuts or attempting quick treatments. You need to apply the cleaning method properly and thoroughly. People also tend to use just whatever equipment they have or can easily obtain, even if it’s not specifically meant for the task. An experienced roofing expert knows which type of equipment to use and how to use it, such as a pressure washer with a setting for lower pressure and high water volume.
Taking the DIY Route for Everything
When it comes to cleaning your roof, the most important thing to keep in mind is to make use of proper cleaning methods, products and equipment, and hiring the right roofing service provider. And this is where Winfield Builders can help. At Winfield Builders, we offer a diverse selection of roofing products, and we ensure all of your roofing needs are met. We offer some of the best roofing and siding products you’ll ever find, and our professional installers always get the job done right the first time.
Winfield Builders is the name you can trust for roofing and siding solutions. Call us now at (301) 850-6560 to schedule a free consultation. We serve customers in Annapolis and Columbia, MD.